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Putting a name to your pain

"There's something I need to tell you... but I don't know where to start". We offer to help you express what you are feeling right now to the person of your choice. Because your well-being is worth it, and there will always be someone there for you. Here are some tips to get you started.

Putting a name to your pain

Because it's often a blur in your head, verbalising your unhappiness in writing can be a starting point to feeling better. We've put together a mini-game for you to put into words how you feel. You can then keep your text or share it directly with someone you trust.

Start the conversation

Swipe right to select the words that match your feelings from a list, or type in the word of your choice. Once you've put your feelings into words, you can copy your text to keep it as a basis for talking about them someday or send it to someone you trust.